
If you live abroad and have private family documents or collections that you want to preserve for future generations, please contact the State Archives in Poland.

Historical value may include:

  • biographical documents,
  • materials concerning the activities of private individuals as well as social, educational and economic institutions and organizations,
  • letters,
  • diaries,
  • photographs from travels and important family celebrations,
  • materials documenting important events in Poland and abroad.

We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to transfer the documents and items you have collected to an institution that will take care of them in the right way for the next years and centuries. Especially when you can no longer provide your documents with proper storage conditions. Remember that they do not lose their value, and making them available to other enthusiasts and researchers can give them a second life.

A family archive or a private collection can become a well-known and valued part of the common national heritage, shown at exhibitions and described in publications – now or in the future.

If you are the owner of archival materials, you can transfer them for a fee or free of charge to one of the State Archives in Poland. Our archivists and conservators will take care of their condition and safety for centuries to come.

If you want to provide us with the materials you have collected, but you are not sure whether they constitute archival materials, please contact the State Archives in Poland. Our specialists will assess their value.

We invite you to contact the State Archives in Poland, which will provide you with assistance and answer your questions.