General Director of the State Archives, Ph.D. Paweł Pietrzyk
The General Director of the State Archives presides over the State Archives network. His responsibilities include:
- coordinating archival activity across the country,
- supervising the acquisition, storage, archival processing and preservation of archival materials and making them available for use and disposition of noncurrent records,
- supervising research and publishing activities within the State Archives,
- maintaining international cooperation in archival matters,
- promoting the value and diversity of archives and archivists and their vital work in preserving records of enduring value through outreach programs and publishing activity,
- efforts pertaining to the computerization of individual state archives,
- performing tasks related to the restitution of archival materials which constitute cultural heritage.
The General Director of the State Archives answers to the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

Ph. D. Paweł Pietrzyk
General Director of the State Archives 

Ryszard Wojtkowski
Deputy General Director of the State Archives 

Ph. D. Lucyna Harc
Deputy General Director of the State Archives