The social, economic and technological environment in which the State Archives operate continues to change. This forces us to adapt our activities and how we pursue our mission, which is to preserve historical sources and ensure that they are publicly available.
On 21 October 2021, in response to various emerging challenges, the General Director of the State Archives announced the implementation of the State Archives Development Strategy for 2021-2030. The strategy specifies major focus areas for the State Archives for the next ten years.
The 2030 goals of the State Archives focus on sustainable development – on becoming an institution which cares about the past while being rooted in the present and looking towards the future.
The strategy involves improving the quality of:
- protection and long-term preservation of archival materials,
- managing and expanding of the national archival holdings,
- inventorying and processing of archival holdings,
- sharing archival materials using state-of-the-art digital tools,
- education, popularization and information efforts,
- providing public services and performing the public role of the State Archives as government administration offices.

Achieving the desired outcomes and the continued development of the State Archives will only be possible by achieving our three main strategic goals:
- Archival legacy. The national archival holdings are a widely recognizable, publicly available and important part of our cultural legacy, as well as a cultural asset.
- Skilled staff as the foundation of the functioning and development of the State Archives and their positive image.
- A modern institution. The State Archives should be an efficient, modern institution with a robust network structure.
In our effort to achieve these three strategic goals, the strategy defines concrete operational goals and the methods of achieving them.