Archeion journal

Archeion (ISSN 0066–6041) is the oldest Polish journal of archival science. Established in Warsaw in 1926, its first volume was published a year later in 1927. The founder and first editor of Archeion was Stanisław Ptaszycki (until 1931). Until the outbreak of World War II, a total of 16 volumes of the journal were published. After the war, Archeion returned in 1948 with a combined publication of volumes 17-18. Until 1951, the journal was part of the State Archives Department, and later (to this day) of The State Archives Head Office, which is also its publisher.

Archeion contains articles on archival theory and practice, which are a result of theoretical and empirical research in the varied field of historical legacy documentation. Archeion’s target audience includes state archives, current records archives, social and private archives, academic historians and specialists in the auxiliary sciences of history, as well as anyone interested in scholarly reflections on the archives and archival materials.

We invite Polish and foreign researchers with a recognized scientific position to write in the magazine. Thanks to the significantly increased reach and increasing number of citations of our authors, we are developing the best traditions of Polish archival science. Thanks to numerous publications by Polish scientists in English, we also promote the latest Polish scientific thought in the field of archival science and document management in the international archival environment.

Archeion is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. It follows the diamond open access model, which means that its contents are open and free to access without any time restrictions.

From volume 120 (for 2019), the online version of “Archeion”, published on the eJournals scientific journal platform, is the basic version of the journal.

Editorial Board Address

Archeion, The State Archives Head Office

ul. Rakowiecka 2D, 02–517 Warszawa
(22) 56 54 600
(22) 56 54 643

Printed version distribution

The State Archives Head Office

ul. Rakowiecka 2D, 02–517 Warszawa
(22) 56 54 600
(22) 56 54 643

Archeion Magazine Online Archive

The tables of contents for volumes 1-50 and 95-112 contain hyperlinks.

The editorial board of Archeion receives many requests from scientific and academic communities in Poland and abroad to upload the first fifty issues of Archeion, originally released between 1927 and 1968, as PDF files. In response to these requests, we would like to ask anyone who may be a holder of copyright to articles published in our journal to contact the editorial board via e-mail ( or traditional mail (ul. Rakowiecka 2D, 02–517 Warsaw). We are ready to pay any royalties arising from copyright.